Meeting of the Minister of Defence with the Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus
Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Serbia Valery Brylev, evaluated today’s meeting as another step towards development of good bilateral relations between the two traditionally friendly countries.
On that occasion, Minister Vulin expressed his satisfaction with his attendance at the celebration in Minsk in the previous week to mark the centenary of the establishment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus and with the talks with the Minister of Defence Lieutenant General Andrei Ravkov. He handed over an invitation letter to Ambassador Brylev for the Belarusian Minister of Defence to visit the Republic of Serbian in the forthcoming period.
- I will repeat what I said in Minsk at the meeting with Minister Ravkov that the political relations between Serbia and Belarus are exceptional. We appreciate the support of the Belarus reflected in the principled policy of supporting Serbia’s efforts to resolve all open issues in the south Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija in a peaceful manner using political means, while concurrently we are trying to preserve and defend the sovereignty and integrity of our fatherland – Minister Vulin pointed out.
The minister of defence reminded that during the meeting in Minsk, ministers Ravkov and Vulin expressed their satisfaction with the achieved level of military-economic cooperation and agreed its continuation, adding that a considerable contribution to the continuous enhancement of defence cooperation is made by the personal relation and friendship between President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić and President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. As the confirmation he instanced the upcoming opening of the Office of Defence Attaché of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Belarus on residential basis, and the realisation of joint exercise “Slavic Brotherhood” which involves the participation of the members of the armed forces of Belarus, Russian Federation and Serbia.

