Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

The Minister of Defence Visited Collection Point for Accommodation of Refugees in Krnjača

On the occasion of the World Day of Migrants, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin, as the President of the Governmental Working Group for the resolution of the problem of mixed migration flows, visited today a Collection point for accommodation of refugees in Krnjača, accompanied by Commissioner for Refugees and Migration Vladimir Cucić and representatives of international and non-governmental organisations.
The minister visited a café for socialisation, dining room and talked to the migrants. In his media statement he pointed out:
- Currently, in the Republic of Serbia there are around 4,100 migrants and it is particularly important that 98 per cent of them are in our collection points, which means that everything functions and that these people are taken care of in the best possible way – that Serbia has, once again, demonstrated how organised and how humane it is.
On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Vulin thanked everybody working on resolving the effects of the migrant crisis, to governmental and non-governmental organisations, European Union, which, as he said, was our greater financer when it came to resolving the consequences of the migrant crisis, and the particularly thanked the citizens of Serbia, who had demonstrated humanity, understanding for human suffering and who had been capable of identifying with the problems of all those people.
Minister Vulin said that Serbia probably was the only European country through which had transited such huge number of migrants without any conflicts, hatred, violence and that Serbia had showed its best and most beautiful face in those difficult moments.
He said that the Government of the Republic of Serbia fully controlled the migrant crisis, and that the people were taken care of and attention was paid to every child.
- Almost none of these people desires to stay in Serbia. Their path leads them elsewhere, but as long as they are on our territory, we will treat them as human beings. Not only will they be fed, taken care of, but they will feel dignified. What makes Serbia different from all other countries is that these people feel as human beings here and they have their dignity which we respect. It is precisely because of this that we can say that we have left this difficult period behind us, and that we did it as it is appropriate for an organised and systematised state and an honourable and humane people – Vulin pointed out and said that the migrant crisis has caused its effects all over the world, but we have given all in our power so that its effects could be felt in Serbia to the least extent possible.
- All our citizens can be peaceful, safe and our way of life is not changing – the minister of defence emphasised.
The Commissioner for Refugees and Migration, Vladimir Cucić said that despite all data indicating that the intensity of the migrant crisis was reducing, that would be a permanent and long lasting process. That is an event, as he proudly pointed out, to which Serbia responded in a right, humane manner.
- We welcomed these people who were in rags and shreds, full of lice, frost bitten, and when you look at these beautiful people, young men and girls who are here today, and who orderly wait for the road onwards, since 95-98 per cent of them opted for continuing their journey, we can all be proud together of the results that Serbia achieved in this area - Vladimir Cucić highlighted.
John Young from the UNHCR thanked the Government of the Republic of Serbia for everything that it had done until that moment.
- I am pleased to see that everything is going in this manner. We are here to help the Serbian authorities, just like we have always helped. We especially wish to help the Government of Serbia to determine who the true refugees are among those migrating people – Young said emphasising that they would continue assisting Serbian authorities in resolving the migrant crisis and cooperation in all areas where it was required.
Lidija Marković, Head of Office for International Organisation for Migrations in Serbia, addressed on the occasion of the World Day of Migrants all the migrant families not only in Krnjača but in all other collection points and shelters in Serbia and thanked them for daily company, co-living, sharing their personal and life stories, experiences that they had gained together working with them in those centres.
- According to data of the International Organisation for Migrations, only in 2017, over 5300 people lost their lives in an attempt to reach some of desired destinations. The very message that we all are to send today is that if the migrations are considered exclusively as a negative phenomenon, both problems and risks always require quick, short and ad hoc solutions. Migrations are our reality; it is a process. When we speak about reality, we can plan it together, to influence it together and it is precisely a call for an interstate, international dialogue in order to, chiefly enhance the policies, and that is something that depends of politicians and decision makers, that refer to protecting human lives, to reduce xenophobia, to change the general trend of negative references to the migrations, and to enable and improve the legal framework on legal migrations regarding - Lidija Marković underscored.
Dino Mujanović from a humanitarian organisation Catholic Service for Assistance, which is a part of Caritas Agency of Serbia and other world Caritas organisations, said that in previous two years his organisation had been working in partnership with the state of Serbia and they assisted
Serbia in responding in the best manner possible to the refugee crisis.
- I would call upon people here to remain responsible and assist the people in need of help and to understand that something that had happened to these people made them leave their homes, and that no one desired this to happen. We should help those people regain their human dignity.
Refugee Zakiyula Madjidi from Afghanistan thanked Serbia for the hospitality. He said that they were safe there and that they had everything that they needed.
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