Strong and Satisfied Armed Forces as Factor of Deterrence
Answering the question of a reporter about technological equipping and development of the armed forces, and on the concrete measures for the betterment of financial status of its members, Minister Vulin said that under the order of the Supreme Commander a working group had been established to exclusively deal with the improvement of the financial status of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces.
- As you know, the members of the Serbian Armed Forces have received 10% pay increase which is the highest amount in this country, and I will along with that propose that the increase should not be linear, so that the pays are primarily increased to professional soldiers, non-commissioned officers and then in line with ranks. Also, upon the order of the Supreme Commander Aleksandar Vučić, a project for mass housing construction has been developed for all the members of security sector which will quite soon be presented to the public and then, for the first time since the time of JNA and SFRY we will in an organised fashion work on housing issues of the members of the armed forces – Minister Vulin emphasised.
He reminded that troop per diem was increased from 800 to 1100 dinars, which primarily helps those who work the most and who have the most difficult duties.
- We have introduced solidary assistance for the birth of a child in the amount of average salary. Therefore, we have introduced an array of measures that are concretely and instantly improving the financial position of all the members of the Serbian Armed Forces. The investment in standard of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces is the investment in development of the entire country; Investment in accruement of our armed forces is the investment in the technological progress of the entire country as well. When you buy new arms, when you provide an opportunity to employ new engineers in our scientific institutes you are buying intelligence, you are buying future resources and you are buying something that will significantly strengthen the technology of the whole country and that will eventually help each of us – Minister Vulin added.
Minister Vulin Stressed that a Strong Armed Forces are the Factor of Deterrence.
- If you have powerful armed forces, if you have a strong, technologically equipped and satisfied armed forces, then you have the military capable of using its very existence to deter a potential aggressor. And if we live in peace and if we can be politically stable, and if this country is confident that there will be no aggression against it and that the aggression would be too costly, then we can develop ourselves and say that our children will live better. Without strong armed forces there is no a strong country. The order of the Supreme Commander was clear that he wanted a strong and satisfied armed forces and it is up to us to implement this – Minister Vulin concluded.

