Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

The visit of the minister of defence of Slovenia

The Minister of Defence of the Republic of Serbia Nebojsa Rodic met today with the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia Roman Jakic. On which occasion they discussed possibilities for improving cooperation in the area of defence .

During the meeting ministers noted that regional cooperation is of great importance for both countries. They agreed that within restricted budget all the activities of the military - military cooperation should be carefully planed while stressing the interest f both sides to intensify military economic cooperation between the two countries .

Minister Rodic informed his Slovenian counterpart of the priorities of cooperation between the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia with the European Union when it comes to security and defense affairs. On this occasion minister expressed his appreciation for the commitment of the Republic of Slovenia to Serbia's quick progress towards the European Union as well as for professional deployment of Slovenian armed forces in KFOR .

This year has been marked by a number of joint activities, including the establishment of cooperation in the field of military psychology, defense cooperation between the two inspectorates, the visit of the Slovenian defence ministry’s work group, the CRBD training Center in Krusevac and the concerts of the Artistic Ensemble " Stanislav Binički" in Slovenia.

Furhtermore, the cooperation included the exchange of experiences in the area of the NCO corps , military archives and military educational institutions. One member of the Serbian completed the course for staff officers in Slovenia during 2012 / 2013 academic year , while members of the armed forces of Slovenia finished High Security and Defence Studies in Serbia this year .