Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia



Period: 01.01.2016 - 18.09.2024

Total number of records: 7897

27 Apr 2017
During the previous four days the Final Planning Conference for the international exercise “Platinum Wolf 17” led by Chief of Staff of the 4th Army Brigade Command Colonel Sladjan Stamenkovic has been conducted in ...
27 Apr 2017
The Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic has met on the sidelines of the 6th Moscow Conference on International Security with the Defence Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran General Hossein Dehghan and the ...
26 Apr 2017
The meeting was held today in the Military Club in Pancevo in order to present analysis and define tasks for the enhancement of NCO career development and functioning of the NCO support to command. 
26 Apr 2017
The Deputy Commander of the Joint Operations Command Major General Slavoljub Janicijevic and Assistant Adjutant General Ohio National Army Guard Major General John Harris have visited today the members of the ...
26 Apr 2017
The 6th Conference on International Security has been opened today. The Serbian delegation is led by the Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic, who greeted participants of the Conference on behalf of the Prime ...