Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Main Plenary Meeting at the Defence Attaché Conference held

The Main Plenary Meeting of the 9th Conference of the Defence Attachés of the Republic of Serbia has been held at the Guard Club in Topčider today where the military diplomats were addressed by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Ivica Dačić.
Minister Dačić stressed that turbulent relations at the international scene require even more serious and more meaningful cooperation between the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to him, this is a way to improve Serbia's foreign policy presentation and champion the interests of our country in the best possible way.
- Joint meetings at which we exchange opinions are a confirmation of the extremely close cooperation between the two ministries, thanks to which we are fulfilling the goals in implementing the state policy – Minister Dačić said, adding that capacities of both ministries should be maximally utilised in order to run a prudential foreign policy.
Minister Dačić stressed that the Military Intelligence Agency is a reliable partner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and that the expansion of the network of military delegations, primarily in Africa and Asia, should be considered, in order to allow a more precise prediction of geopolitical trends and their reflection on our country.
Director of the Military Intelligence Agency, Brigadier General Zoran Stojković, thanked Minister Dačić for the support he offered to the work of the Agency. He emphasized that the Conference was an opportunity to analyse the work of the defence attachés and to give them  guidance for their future foreign policy activities.
Military diplomatic activity is one of the pillars of state diplomacy, and the Military Intelligence Agency is a bridge connecting the state with military interests.
This year's conference will last until 12th March and the defence attachés will talk with the leadership of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, as well as representatives of other state bodies.
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